A Great Announcement!

  I am so honored to be part of a special party called  “Grow your Blog!!!”

 By Vicki @ 2 Bags Full 

2 Bags Full

Vicki is an amazingly talented, gifted, kind lady that sponsors a party once a year for bloggers that are trying to grow there blog. How great is that?!  Vicki is the kind of women that remembers when blogging was tough for her and she wants to pay it forward. She has so kindly allowed me to be part of it. There will be over 400 bloggers involved and you will get a chance through my blog or Vicki’s to visit all of these great blogs from around the world!

Many of these blogs from around the world will be having special give a ways, so make sure that you visit as many as you can starting today.

A Special Welcome to those of you who have not been here before please take the time and enjoy the many posts that I have on my blog. I love blogging and I’m getting to know so many of you, it truly is a privilege. 

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This beautiful white plaster parrot that is 12″ tall by 6″ wide he will be my special give a way to one lucky person. You don’t even have to be a blogger or follower to win.! You don’t have to do anything but leave a comment on my blog with your name and email address so that I can contact you if you are the LUCKY WINNER! On February 15, 2015 a winner will be chosen. I will announce then on a my blog so please check back to see if you have won.  I will mail this anywhere in the world to you!

The more the merrier so invite your friends, family, neighbors, or people you work with to visit all of these great blogs. There will be many different types of blogs and one is for sure to capture your special interests.

I cherish each and everyone of you, the new visitors and those that come by often. You are important to me and I hope that I can give you some kind of inspiration through visiting. Have a beautiful day!

